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Technical support
Sales inquiry
Your account

Your request is aimed at our technical support.
Please tell us the subject you would like to broach:

Use of the editor, block setting, e-commerce features, SEO…

Registration of a new domain name, connection or transfer of a current domain name…

Management of the emails of your account, management of the emails with your domain name…

Which type of email address is concerned?

You are getting in touch with our technical support for your website.
For which part of your website do you need help?

Block settings, personalization of the display, positioning…

Which block is concerned?

SEO fields, Google Search Console, Google Analytics, domain names…

Definition of the categories, payment methods, shipping costs, stock management…

Website design, page management, mobile view…

You need help to manage your SiteW account.
For which part of this management do you need support?

You are contacting the sales department of SiteW.
For which part of our offer do you need information?

Feasibility of your website project, choice of the suitable package…

Prices, discounts, subscription terms, available payment methods…

General conditions of use, privacy policy, GDPR…

Joining our community of experts, becoming a SiteW reseller, affiliate programs, guest blogging…

Here is the final step of this form: it is time to complete your request!

How do you feel? (facultative)
How to create website using php
How to create a forum website
How to create website with joomla
Please write your message below

Please be concise and to the point, but provide enough details to help us fully understand your precise needs.

Attached documents

Screenshots can help us better grasp your question. Please capture your whole screen rather than your browser window alone. To take a screenshot, you can press the Print Screen key on the top right of your keyboard, then paste it into an image software and save it.

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Enter the email address on which you want to receive the answer (please use an email address associated with your SiteW account or let us know the concerned account in your message).

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Click on it and you may find the solution.