3 minutes
The Calendar block allows you to easily display your planning on your website. This block enables two types of display: Calendar and Schedule. Your visitors can thus easily and quickly see on your website what is going to happen the next days: events, booking, appointments, activity planning…
The examples of use of this block are numerous and diverse: it adapts to any activity that requires a schedule or a presentation of events.
Just like for the other SiteW blocks, the Premium and Pro users can simply drag a calendar into their website.
Once your calendar has been inserted into your website, you can choose the Calendar or the Schedule mode (see below) and then add events to it. You just have to click on the day which you want to add an event to, and enter the relevant information in the window that opens.
The Description field is a real text editor. You can therefore add styles (color, font, text sizes…), links, images...
Once you have added all the necessary information, you just have to click on the Add button to insert it in the calendar.
If you want to modify an event after creating it, it is very simple: you just have to click on it and modify the information in the window that automatically opens. You can modify the title, date, color... of the event.
You also have the possibility to “resize” an event (reduce or increase its duration), or to change its date directly in the calendar, using your mouse.
When your visitors hover the mouse over an event or click on it, a window automatically displays the related information. So they can access more details, like for instance, the links related to the event.
The Calendar mode offers a great flexibility allowing to present very long events (several weeks) as well as short and concise events (30 minutes).
You can enable 4 different views:
You can choose the views you want to make available for your visitors.
The view displayed when opening your website is the one displayed when you last saved your website.
This option allows you to select the default period -displayed when the calendar opens. You can choose:
This mode allows you to show a recurring planning or the schedule of your activities on your website.
Thanks to the many customization options, this mode adapts to any activity (ecommerce website, sport association website, night club website...).
You can indeed set:
Last update: January 19, 2023