If you are not registered, go to the website creation page to create your first website in three clicks.
On the other hand, you can also create a website from the My websites page. You only have to click on the Create a new website button, then:
We accept payments through bank transfers (in Euro) and through credit cards or PayPal. To make a payment to us, click on the button corresponding to your method of payment on the http://www.sitew.com/My-cart page (at the payment stage). Follow the instructions given there.
We will confirm your order on receipt of your transfer or online payment.
It is possible to protect pages by a password. You will find more information on this page: https://www.en.sitew.com/the-sitew-guides/lawful/create-a-private-website-protected-by-a-password
This feature is available for all Advanced Showcase, Unlimited Showcase, Essential E-commerce, Advanced E-commerce or Unlimited E-commerce websites.
These packages also offer:
You will find the detail of the provided services on this page: https://www.sitew.com/Website-creation-packages
To upgrade your website to Advanced or Unlimited package, you can click on this link: Upgrade
You can also test for free and without commitment the Advanced and Unlimited websites and the advanced blocks for 15 days. To test, make a new website from the page My websites.
To move or copy a block:
To move or copy a block:
The Code block allows you to insert third party blocks on your website. It is possible to insert a scrolling text on your website. You will find more information on this page: https://www.en.sitew.com/Block/widget-block
This feature is available for all Advanced Showcase, Unlimited Showcase, Essential E-commerce, Advanced E-commerce or Unlimited E-commerce websites.
These packages also offer:
You will find the detail of the provided services on this page: https://www.sitew.com/Website-creation-packages
To upgrade your website to Advanced or Unlimited package, you can click on this link: Upgrade
You can also test for free and without commitment the Advanced and Unlimited websites and the advanced blocks for 15 days. To test, make a new website from the page My websites.
The music block allows you to insert your favorite music or your own creations on your website. You will find a demonstration of this block on the page: http://www.demo.blocks.sitew.com/Music.J.htm You will find more information on this page: https://www.en.sitew.com/Block/music-block
This feature is available for all Advanced Showcase, Unlimited Showcase, Essential E-commerce, Advanced E-commerce or Unlimited E-commerce websites.
These packages also offer:
You will find the detail of the provided services on this page: https://www.sitew.com/Website-creation-packages
To upgrade your website to Advanced or Unlimited package, you can click on this link: Upgrade
You can also test for free and without commitment the Advanced and Unlimited websites and the advanced blocks for 15 days. To test, make a new website from the page My websites.
The Code block allows you to insert third party blocks on your website. It is possible to insert games proposed by other websites. You will find more information on this page: https://www.en.sitew.com/Block/widget-block
These features are available for all Advanced Showcase, Unlimited Showcase, Essential E-commerce, Advanced E-commerce or Unlimited E-commerce websites.
These packages also offer:
You will find the detail of the provided services on this page: https://www.sitew.com/Website-creation-packages
To upgrade your website to Advanced or Unlimited package, you can click on this link: Upgrade
You can also test for free and without commitment the Advanced and Unlimited websites and the advanced blocks for 15 days. To test, make a new website from the page My websites.
To insert an "Add to favorites" link, add a Widget block containing the following code (remember to edit the text marked in yellow)
<a href="#" onclick="bookmark()">
Add to favorites</a><script>
function bookmark(){
var url = "https://www.sitew.com";
var title = "SiteW.com";
if (window.sidebar) {window.sidebar.addPanel(title, url, "");} else if( window.external ) { window.external.AddFavorite( url, title);}
return false}
The Code block allows you to insert third party blocks on your website. It is possible to insert a link code on your website. You will find more information on this page: https://www.en.sitew.com/Block/widget-block
This feature is available for all Advanced Showcase, Unlimited Showcase, Essential E-commerce, Advanced E-commerce or Unlimited E-commerce websites.
These packages also offer:
You will find the detail of the provided services on this page: https://www.sitew.com/Website-creation-packages
To upgrade your website to Advanced or Unlimited package, you can click on this link: Upgrade
You can also test for free and without commitment the Advanced and Unlimited websites and the advanced blocks for 15 days. To test, make a new website from the page My websites.
The Code block allows you to insert third party blocks on your website. It is possible to insert a powerpoint presentation using widgets of slideshare.net. You will find more information on this page: https://www.en.sitew.com/Block/widget-block
This feature is available for all Advanced Showcase, Unlimited Showcase, Essential E-commerce, Advanced E-commerce or Unlimited E-commerce websites.
These packages also offer:
You will find the detail of the provided services on this page: https://www.sitew.com/Website-creation-packages
To upgrade your website to Advanced or Unlimited package, you can click on this link: Upgrade
You can also test for free and without commitment the Advanced and Unlimited websites and the advanced blocks for 15 days. To test, make a new website from the page My websites.
The Code block allows you to insert third party blocks on your website. It is possible to insert any HTML code to your website. You will find more information on this page: https://www.en.sitew.com/Block/widget-block
This feature is available for all Advanced Showcase, Unlimited Showcase, Essential E-commerce, Advanced E-commerce or Unlimited E-commerce websites.
These packages also offer:
You will find the detail of the provided services on this page: https://www.sitew.com/Website-creation-packages
To upgrade your website to Advanced or Unlimited package, you can click on this link: Upgrade
You can also test for free and without commitment the Advanced and Unlimited websites and the advanced blocks for 15 days. To test, make a new website from the page My websites.
The Calendar block allows you to easily display a schedule on your website. You can display either a timetable or a calendar. You will be able to easily add events (with descriptions, titles, dates and colors) to it. You can choose between different display modes (Month, Week, Day or Events). You can also customize your schedule, using many different options.
Don’t hesitate to consult the Calendar Block guide, for further details.This feature is available for all Advanced Showcase, Unlimited Showcase, Essential E-commerce, Advanced E-commerce or Unlimited E-commerce websites.
These packages also offer:
You will find the detail of the provided services on this page: https://www.sitew.com/Website-creation-packages
To upgrade your website to Advanced or Unlimited package, you can click on this link: Upgrade
You can also test for free and without commitment the Advanced and Unlimited websites and the advanced blocks for 15 days. To test, make a new website from the page My websites.
The Code block allows you to insert third party blocks on your website. It is possible to insert a scrolling text on your website. You will find more information on this page: https://www.en.sitew.com/Block/widget-block
This feature is available for all Advanced Showcase, Unlimited Showcase, Essential E-commerce, Advanced E-commerce or Unlimited E-commerce websites.
These packages also offer:
You will find the detail of the provided services on this page: https://www.sitew.com/Website-creation-packages
To upgrade your website to Advanced or Unlimited package, you can click on this link: Upgrade
You can also test for free and without commitment the Advanced and Unlimited websites and the advanced blocks for 15 days. To test, make a new website from the page My websites.
When you upload files in the File manager, you can press the CTRL key to select several files or images at once.
An alternative solution consists in holding the mouse left click down and to drag the cursor to draw a selection "square". All the images within the "square" will be selected when you release the left click.
The Code block allows you to insert third party blocks on your website. It is possible to insert a Paypal Buy or Donate button. You can signup to Paypal by visiting this link: Signup to Paypal. You will find more information on this page: https://www.en.sitew.com/Block/widget-block
This feature is available for all Advanced Showcase, Unlimited Showcase, Essential E-commerce, Advanced E-commerce or Unlimited E-commerce websites.
These packages also offer:
You will find the detail of the provided services on this page: https://www.sitew.com/Website-creation-packages
To upgrade your website to Advanced or Unlimited package, you can click on this link: Upgrade
You can also test for free and without commitment the Advanced and Unlimited websites and the advanced blocks for 15 days. To test, make a new website from the page My websites.
The Code block allows you to insert third party blocks on your website. It is possible to insert a chat widget on your website. Select your Code block, then click on Edit code in your left-hand panel, and finally paste the code containing the chat you want to add. You will find more information on this page: https://www.en.sitew.com/Block/widget-block
This feature is available for all Advanced Showcase, Unlimited Showcase, Essential E-commerce, Advanced E-commerce or Unlimited E-commerce websites.
These packages also offer:
You will find the detail of the provided services on this page: https://www.sitew.com/Website-creation-packages
To upgrade your website to Advanced or Unlimited package, you can click on this link: Upgrade
You can also test for free and without commitment the Advanced and Unlimited websites and the advanced blocks for 15 days. To test, make a new website from the page My websites.
The comment block allows your visitors to add comments on your website. You will find more information on this page: https://www.en.sitew.com/Block/comment-block
This feature is available for all Advanced Showcase, Unlimited Showcase, Essential E-commerce, Advanced E-commerce or Unlimited E-commerce websites.
These packages also offer:
You will find the detail of the provided services on this page: https://www.sitew.com/Website-creation-packages
To upgrade your website to Advanced or Unlimited package, you can click on this link: Upgrade
You can also test for free and without commitment the Advanced and Unlimited websites and the advanced blocks for 15 days. To test, make a new website from the page My websites.
The Form block allows to create a contact form, that is fully customizable, according to your needs. You can select one of the predefined forms (for example a contact form, a booking form or a satisfaction survey) or fully customize it, by adding the fields that fit your specific needs (Text, Address, Number, Date, Separator, File upload, Multiple choices, Text area…). You will also be able to add many useful options, such as date selection calendar, auto-complete support, data control, or even a reCaptcha service.
Don’t hesitate to consult the Create a website with the Form block guide, for further details.This feature is available for all Advanced Showcase, Unlimited Showcase, Essential E-commerce, Advanced E-commerce or Unlimited E-commerce websites.
These packages also offer:
You will find the detail of the provided services on this page: https://www.sitew.com/Website-creation-packages
To upgrade your website to Advanced or Unlimited package, you can click on this link: Upgrade
You can also test for free and without commitment the Advanced and Unlimited websites and the advanced blocks for 15 days. To test, make a new website from the page My websites.
The newsletter block allows your visitors to send their emails on your website, allowing you to be able to inform them of your business by email. You will find more information on this page: https://www.en.sitew.com/Block/newsletter-block
This feature is available for all Advanced Showcase, Unlimited Showcase, Essential E-commerce, Advanced E-commerce or Unlimited E-commerce websites.
These packages also offer:
You will find the detail of the provided services on this page: https://www.sitew.com/Website-creation-packages
To upgrade your website to Advanced or Unlimited package, you can click on this link: Upgrade
You can also test for free and without commitment the Advanced and Unlimited websites and the advanced blocks for 15 days. To test, make a new website from the page My websites.
Vous pouvez modifier le mot de passe de vos membres en leur envoyant un lien de réinitialisation du mot de passe ou en utilisant ce lien pour le réinitialiser à leur place.
Pour cela, rendez-vous dans Mes sites > Modules > Membres et cliquez sur le crayon qui apparait au survol du membre. Dans les informations du membre, cochez la case de réinitialisation du mot de passe.
Ensuite, utilisez CTRL+V pour coller l'URL du lien de réinitialisation.
The Google registration step is automatically managed thanks to the information SiteW supplies to search engines.
You can follow the evolution of your website registration in Google on the page Dashboard > Marketing > Google Search Console.
We notify Google of the creation or the modification of your website on each publication, which allows for quick and efficient indexing.
This is done only once every 30 days for free websites (starter package).
To optimize your search engine ranking using SiteW, first go to Dashboard > Marketing > SEO, and be sure to fill in all the fields.
On the editor, in the Pages tab on the left, click on the 3 dots at the right of the page name and go to the SEO tab. You will find various fields in order to optimize the indexing of your pages:⚠️ Be sure to vary the content according to the pages to ensure the good indexing of each page.
To further improve the referencing of your site:With the Advanced Showcase, Unlimited Showcase, Essential E-commerce, Advanced E-commerce or Unlimited E-commerce packages, appearing in Google is several weeks faster. Those packages also feature detailed statistics allowing the analysis of keywords and locations used by your visitors.
All other benefits of those packages (Domain name, more pages, more blocks, ...) are detailed on the page SiteW offers.
Les plateformes de publicité en ligne telle que Google Ads permettent de suivre le nombre et le montant des conversions (ventes) de votre boutique SiteW, et d'optimiser vos affichages publicitaires en fonction de leurs retombés. Pour cela, vous devez créer et ajouter un code de suivi.
Google Tag Manager n'est pas utilisable pour cet usage.
Dans Google Ads vous devez d'abord créer un code de suivi :
Ensuite la plateforme vous donne 1 ou 2 codes :
Enfin, il est possible que la plateforme vous indique que le code est absent ou mal configuré tant qu'aucune conversion n'a eu lieu.
If you are not registered, go to the website creation page to create your first website in three clicks.
On the other hand, you can also create a website from the My websites page. You only have to click on the Create a new website button, then:
You can add additional disk space by using the options. To do so,
We accept payments through bank transfers (in Euro) and through credit cards or PayPal. To make a payment to us, click on the button corresponding to your method of payment on the http://www.sitew.com/My-cart page (at the payment stage). Follow the instructions given there.
We will confirm your order on receipt of your transfer or online payment.
Advanced and Unlimited websites allow to save your website in a draft. You can decide of the release date of your website, and make your changes online only when they are finished.
This feature is available for all Advanced Showcase, Unlimited Showcase, Essential E-commerce, Advanced E-commerce or Unlimited E-commerce websites.
These packages also offer:
You will find the detail of the provided services on this page: https://www.sitew.com/Website-creation-packages
To upgrade your website to Advanced or Unlimited package, you can click on this link: Upgrade
You can also test for free and without commitment the Advanced and Unlimited websites and the advanced blocks for 15 days. To test, make a new website from the page My websites.