Add a menu to your website

January 19, 2023 - SiteW team

1 minute

The automatic Menu Block from SiteW allows you to insert the list of pages of your Website. The management of the pages is easy and the menu is updated automatically.

add menu block

How to add a Menu block to your website?

Insert this block on the background page and your website will display a menu on all its pages. The menu is displayed accordingly to the design of your website. You only have to manage the pages and it is updated automatically. Two types of menus are available: an horizontal menu to be put at the top of your website and a vertical menu to put on the side of the pages.
The current page is automatically highlighted. Pages can be ordered in a hierarchical manner and submenus are automatically generated. You can also hide pages from the menu. You will then need to put a link in a Text block to let your visitors visit them.

How to customize the appearance of your menu?

You have the possibility to totally customize the way your menus look. To do so, select your menu by clicking on it. Then click on the Design button. You can modify everything, using that panel: menu style, font size, colors (choice of colors for the text, background and borders, and for the status: hover, selected and normal), borders...
Please note that the link “Reset values” will allow you to reset the menu default settings.
You can create various custom menus, independently.
Add a menu to your website, and customize its appearance to improve your website navigation.

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Last update: January 19, 2023