The newsletter block displays on your website a small form allowing visitors to subscribe to your newsletter.
Thus, you can send emails to all your subscribers easily and let them know the latest news about your website.
Available for all the websites with the Premium or Pro package.
The newsletter block displays the subscription form below :
Once a visitor submitted the form, an email is sent to him in order that he validates his subscription.
You can see all your subscribers and their status on the newsletter management page:
You can manage your newsletters from the administration page "My websites" > "Blocks" > "Newsletters" (upgrade your website to enable these functionalities).
The newsletter management page allows you to:
A newsletter consists of a title (between 8 and 35 characters) and a content (the email message). This content is created with SiteW text editor ; you can insert images, links, formatted text (bold, italic, colors, alignment...) and tables... and thus create an attractive newsletter!
If you have any question or improvement suggestion for the newsletter block, feel free to contact us.
Last update: January 19, 2023