Add graphic elements thanks to the Widget block

March 09, 2023 - SiteW team

1 minute

Widget Block

The Widget block allows to insert graphical elements which will give a welcoming and modern look to your website (shapes, titles, ribbons, buttons, separators) and to embed information and interactive content on your website (meteo, news, game, counter, multimedia player, screencast, chat, etc...) given by other service providers. A lot of websites offer free widgets (also called gadget or HTML code).

To create a gadget on your website, you need to insert a Widget Block. A selection window appears which allows to choose from different gadgets. Move the cursor above each image to get more details about one particular gadget.

Available gadgets

Click on the gadgets below to get more information regarding each of them.

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Web design software

Ribbon title

How to create a dynamic website


How to make a site


How to create a forum website

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How to create website using php



You can configure your own gadget or use and edit pre-defined examples.

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The HTML gadget is a special gadget. It allows you to insert any HTML code on your website. Some service providers can give you codes so that you can embed special content on your website.


 You can stack up several gadgets to get original shapes or custom page designs:

Website design software

How to make a site


Create a website online for free 


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Last update: March 09, 2023