How to create a logo for a website?

April 28, 2022 - Anaïs Sautarel

8 minutes

That’s it: it’s time to start, you’re almost ready. You have launched your web design project, whatever you create a website, blog, or portfolio. It’s perfect!

Now it’s time to work on its design, but how to proceed to create your own brand image and the logo that will make a difference? Here are our best tips to create your logo.

However, running your own business isn’t easy. As we say, it isn’t a piece of cake! 🎂

It’s a series of challenges, especially when you launch into business. If you start as an online business owner, one of the first steps will be to create a logo for your business project. Don’t worry. We will tell you everything to help you create your logo.

What is a logo?

The lack of experience and money are the regular reasons why talented and creative business owners do without brand identity. In general, it’s a big mistake that harms the success of the company. Logos are multifunctional marketing tools that enable the public to recognize the brand easily and immediately, among other things. It also makes part of your visual identity.

For example, if you see a yellow M, you think about McDonald’s hamburgers and fries. Three parallel strips remember the last Adidas collection automatically.

Your logo will be strategically positioned on several platforms. It will enjoy high visibility and be a perfect promotion vehicle idly. Is it sensible to ignore such an advantageous visual tool? Let’s discover to what extent a logo be advantageous for your business.

Why should you create a logo?

Managing an online store or blog means that you have your website, which is a perfect place to highlight your brand identity. On the internet, there are different logo uses: for example, you can use a small emblem to create a favicon. It will enable your website to be higher visible on search engine results pages, tabs and browsing history.

Moreover, a memorable logo is essential to create attractive banners or ads. A website with the brand’s colours is more professional and organizational. Consumers will like the visual unity and consistency of all the professional communication supports, from the homepage to emails.

create a logo

What is an effective logo, and how to create it?

It’s essential to create an effective logo that will be good for your business and enhance your reputation. You create a logo and a graphic charter for your website at the same time. An unprofessional logo may have a negative impact on your public and makes them run away. Therefore, be careful and ensure you make time and energy spent creating your logo profitable. To help you, here is the list of characteristics a successful logo should have:

  • unique

  • simple

  • professional

  • flexible

  • original

The different types of logos

Even if you or your designer created your logo, you need to respect rules such as font size, number of colours… Don’t worry! Despite these restrictive rules, designing your logo will be fun. Let’s start by check out the different types of logos.

Pictorial mark logos

This type of logo just have a visual image. A pictorial mark logo doesn’t need words (brand name, slogan…) to convey the idea. Pictorial mark logos represent 6% of all the emblems. The brand identity of large companies such as Apple, Android, and Twitter is based on a symbol or illustration. However, remember that pictorial mark logos are the type of logo which is the most difficult to create, but if you are capable, don’t hesitate to design it!

pictorial mark logos


What are the common features between the logos of Facebook, Samsung, and Canon? They are composed entirely of the company’s name. In general, famous businesses use this type of logo as their name is already evocative. If you want to create a brand identity without an amusing image, don’t hesitate to join 37% of businesses who have a logotype to represent them.


Combination logo marks

They represent 57% of all the emblems and are a boundary between pictorial mark logos and logotypes. In a combination logo mark, you can use illustrations and words and take advantage of both. However, be careful: don’t hamper your emblem by adding too many elements.

combination logo marks

Now you know the main types of logos, here are some tips for the creation of your perfect logo. Every business owner will have to take up the following challenge: choosing the appropriate elements and place them to grab the attention, but how to proceed?

First, ask yourself about your business: what is the project about? What differentiates you from the competition? What is your target audience? What do your visitors have in common? Reply to these questions and design your logo according to circumstances. It’s essential to know your business perfectly to create its appropriate logo.

You can also think about these elements:

  • Analyse your competitors

  • Be inspired by logos you like

  • Draw several sketches of your future logo

  • Ask your friends, team and public to share their feedbacks on your ideas

  • Experiment, as you will always learn from your mistakes. There is no harm in being wrong.

Fortunately, beginners can use many intelligent tools to create a beautiful logo and build their brand from scratch. You can opt for design software, online services or hire professional web designers’ services.

Which method should you use? You may be lost among all the available options. Let’s compare the advantages and disadvantages of each method.

How to create a logo for free?

Use Logaster, an online logo builder


  • Logaster offers tens of templates to create logos. You don’t need to draw an icon by yourself.

  • Create a professional logo just takes 10 minutes.

  • Among several versions of logos, you can choose the best logo, edit it (if necessary) and download it on your computer.

  • Logaster enables you to create a comprehensive branding kit for your business.

  • You have the copyright for your logo and other branding designs.


  • A high-resolution logo costs $9.99.


Create your logo by yourself

There are much online software for creating your logo for free or at a low cost.


  • You manage all the creative process.

  • You can edit your drawings at any time.

  • You can create your logo for free (if you use a free design software).


  • You need to have correct design skills and some experience to use design software.

  • You will have to create each additional branding element (business card, letterhead…) separately.

  • The process is time-consuming. You will spend much time.

  • You will have to register a brand by yourself.

create a logo for your website

Recruit a beginner designer


  • A beginner designer can create a logo for free. In compensation, you will have to promote its services on your website or on social media.

  • You don’t have to do anything yourself.


  • It’s difficult to find designers who want to work for free.

  • You will have to explain your logo clearly.

  • You take the risk of creating a logo with an amateur aspect.

  • You will have to create each additional branding element (business card, letterhead…) separately.

  • You might have to perfect and improve your logo later.

Design a logo for your website: profitable methods

Expert designers


  • In general, you get a high-quality logo.

  • You can choose among a wide range of freelancers.


  • You will spend time and money.

  • Your logo may not meet your requirements.

  • Be vigilant, as some freelancers aren’t reliable and may disappear unexpectedly before finishing the creation. 

Design studios


  • You get a professional logo that meets industry standards.

  • Qualified designers will deal with your branding.

  • Workflow is organized, and the time is respected.

  • You have a wide range of design studios.


  • It’s the most expensive and time-consuming method.

Design the logo of a website with crowdsourcing platforms

If you want to test crowdsourcing, you need to sign up on one of the specific platforms such as Designcontent, 99designs, Designhill…

The next step is to describe the type of logo you want, as well as your budget. Then you will choose the winner among the different creations offered by designers. The winner will receive the sum of money.


  • You can choose among several versions of the logo.

  • You establish deadlines.

  • You can ask the winner to adjust its creation.


  • Even if you don’t like any creation, you will have to choose and pay for a logo.

  • Despite a detailed list with your needs, the logos created by freelance designers may not meet your requirements.

  • If you ask the designer to improve the logo, you will have to wait for the final version.

Even if you can choose the method for the creation of your logo, you have to take the eventual problems into account. For example, if you neglect your brand registration, your online store or blog may have issues.

If you don’t have the copyright of your logo, your business becomes vulnerable in front of dishonest competitors. Another business might register your brand and try to sell it later, even force you to abandon your business. In this case, you will have no legal recourse to protect your business.

Now it’s time to stop talking and take action.

In reality, creating a logo is easier than it seems at first. The logo design industry offers several tools and platforms to create a logo without stress. Moreover, many of these tools are free! With all these intelligent services at your disposal, all you need is inspiration.

In the business world, logo isn’t optional, but necessary. Start now! 

Anaïs Sautarel
As confident in the mountains as with foreign languages, our contents and tool travel around English-speaking and Spanish-speaking countries with me. 🌍

Last update: April 28, 2022

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