Domain name: book it with SiteW

August 22, 2024 - Anaïs Sautarel

3 minutes

You have created your professional website? Hooray! 🙌

But, did you think to book your domain name?

Whether you are an individual, a professional or an organization, your domain name will represent you on the Internet. So ensure you choose it carefully, and above all, book it. It would be a pity that someone else be quicker-acting than you, and book your perfect domain name.

As it all begins with a domain name, we help you to search, book and maintain your domain name.

How to book a domain name with SiteW?

You can book one or several domain names easily with our solution.

👉 For all the paid packages, a domain name is included in your package for free. Then you can add other domain names: it will cost you €2 (Blog and Premium) or €1.79 (E-commerce and Pro) per month and per additional domain name.

👉 For the Starter packages, a domain name booking will cost you €2.39 per month, that is to say less than €30 per year to book your domain name.

You can book one or several domain names, or even connect a domain name you already own. To that end, go to: My websites > Settings > Search engines > Update or add more.

How to use a domain name I already own on SiteW?

You can connect a domain name you already own for your website. Using a domain name is offered at the same price as creating a new domain name.

If you don’t own a SiteW website yet, sign up and first choose a temporary address in

Then follow this path: My websites > Settings > Search engines > Update or add more > Connect a domain name.

Once your order is confirmed, you will have 2 possibilities:

👉 connect it without transfer: you keep your name at your current domain name provider. You will receive the instructions to configure it. The yearly renewal will be at your expense, and your current domain name provider will be able to configure the email address, if they provide this service.

👉 connect it with transfer: you still are the owner of the domain name, and we take care of the configuration and the renewal (included in the package).

How to choose my domain name?

The choice of your domain name is very important as your visitors will identify you through it. It has an influence on your image and the ease your visitors will have to find you on search engines for example or to remember you.

If you have a national influence, you will be able to choose the extension according to your country.

If your ambition is to have an international influence, choose a more generic extension like .com. If you plan to target several countries, it may be judicious to book several domain names with all the related extensions (for example .eu and .nz).

  • Your domain name must be related to the name of your company or your occupation.

  • Ideally, it must be easy to remember and spell.

  • It can be useful to add the targeted geographical area to your domain name. For example:

  • You might use a more original word to stand out and increase the mnemonic impact of your domain name.

Be careful
Info warning
On the contrary, avoid the complicated domain names with a mix of figures and letters for example.
  • Remember that you can direct several domain names to your website: it will enable you to use several variants of the name of your company; for example: with or without hyphen.

💡 SiteW helps you to choose your domain name by making you several suggestions when you book it. These suggestions can inspire you, give you ideas or get you started.

Security: how to renew and keep my domain name?

The domain names have a specific life cycle, so their booking must regularly be renewed, otherwise you risk loosing your domain name and at worst seeing it booked by someone else.

To deal with it, SiteW automatically includes the renewal of your domain name in the renewal of your subscription for the paid packages and alert you if you have subscribed to the Starter package in order that you aren’t caught off guard.

Now you are holding all the cards to book your domain name! 🚀

Anaïs Sautarel
As confident in the mountains as with foreign languages, our contents and tool travel around English-speaking and Spanish-speaking countries with me. 🌍

Last update: August 22, 2024

Book a custom domain name

  • Fast configuration
  • Secure transfer
  • Assistance and tips