Once you have created a fantastic website, the hardest part is yet to come.
The website has to be optimized and maintained to get some great results.
An audit can also be considered during a website redesign, or just to get an overview of your website. Enhancing website natural SEO can be sometimes challenging.
You have two options to get some wonderful outcomes:
Either you have some time to spend on it, and you decide to audit your website by yourself. In this case, you will read many books and online guides, download some e-books, and perhaps take some online courses.
Or you can also hire a professional who will audit your website properly and rapidly.
Do as you wish, and if you aren’t reluctant to audit your website, both options can lead to good performances.
Let’s discover together how to optimize your digital presence:
What is a website audit?
Why is it a requirement?
What are the steps involved?
How much does it cost?…
Are you ready to make a killing? Let’s go!
On the internet, the competition is stiff, and to be successful online, you must be regular and thorough when you develop your website.
Moreover, the main challenge is to be visible among other many websites.
Auditing your website will enable you to analyse your pages in all their dimensions to improve your visibility.
This analysis will enable you to identify your strengths and weaknesses to enhance your website. And then, it will help you to implement a foolproof strategy to improve your performance on the web.
Even if attracting internet users to your website is probably the biggest challenge on the web, it’s not sufficient on its own.
It's quite the contrary: if you enjoy much traffic, that doesn’t stay due to few and poor contents might be disadvantageous.
You also have to entice and guide your visitors, as soon as they set foot pointer on your pages.
What a piece of luck! Launching the audit of your website will also let you improve every single aspect of it and optimize its marketing performances.
A comprehensive website audit relies on 3 logical and chronological axes:
SEO to catch new visitors to your website
UX (User Experience) to lead and retain them
Marketing to retain them
Let’s analyse these different points to understand step by step the progress of a website audit.
As we just said, during a website SEO audit, we will look at it from every angle. We will analyse all its settings and data by using several SEO analytics tools.
You will have to take a (very) closer look at the following points:
The technical dimension of your website
We will check if the pages and their content are well secured, if they fit on all screens and if the navigation is mobile-friendly. The loading speed will also be measured. These elements are essential for your visibility because they inform Google that your website is well-functioning, effective, and easy to use.
The writing quality of your webpages
Using keywords related to your business line is an imperative: they will be defined and strategically placed. The pages will be optimized for search engines. The website structure will be carefully redesigned, and meta descriptions will be enhanced. In this way, all your content will be optimized to match search engines’ keywords.
Your website browsing
It will be improved through an overhaul of the backlinks and an improvement of your website UX (user experience).
Browsing is the central element that retains users on a page, as well as encourages them to discover your content and website. For your visibility and community, an audit is essential.
Your digital reputation
It will be strengthened through a good backlink strategy and an optimized social media presence. It enables you to take actions to catch users to your website and get yourself talked about to become a model in your sector.
Regarding design, we will check if your website offers a good user experience. In the web design era, it is essential to offer a pleasant user experience while being recognizable, user-friendly, and easy to load. To sum up, your website design must be welcoming and accessible for any visitor who arrives at your website.
How to be welcoming?
Adapt your design to each screen, including mobile phones
Present a nice and modern design
Creating organized, structured and well spaced-out pages
How to be accessible?
With an efficient and intuitive browsing, including accessible and visible buttons, links, and menus
With a well-organized page structure
When they arrive at your website, each user must be able to browse, understand the structure, and like each part of your content without changing tabs.
Finally, to convert your visitors into customers and generate leads, you will have to pay attention to the business aspect of your website, especially its purchase funnel.
The purchase funnel refers to the snare circuit to which your visitors go when you encourage them to buy on your website. This funnel is essential as it represents the user’s purchasing process. To improve it, a website audit enables you to analyse different aspects of your funnel:
Is it adapted to your target audience?
At which stage do users leave the purchasing process?
Have all the conversion possibilities been planned, considered and optimized?
You will also have to check and enhance your contents (background, shape, posting schedule…) and the conversion tools (links, buttons, forms, pop-ups…), especially with the implementation of comparative tests (A/B tests).
Well, what are the next steps?
You audit a website for specific reasons. It makes part of a wider strategy implemented to improve and develop your online business. So, the last and most important step of your audit is to find solutions to solve your problems.
Following this advanced analysis, you will have to implement strategies that might solve your problems, but it might be sometimes difficult if you aren’t used to it.
If you hire web professionals to audit your website, the expert team will write for you a full report with all their comments.
To that end, be patient and don’t hesitate to hire professional web designers if necessary. You can also make business intelligence to understand your competitors’ strategies and draw your inspiration from them.
Moreover, they will submit to you some specific and concrete actions to set up.
Now you know that auditing your website enables you to get a comprehensive diagnostic of your website performances and possible improvements. Moreover, if you audit your website regularly, your website will evolve and develop constantly.
But, who can you hire for your website audit?
If you have no prior experience in SEO or marketing, auditing your website totally and effectively is really perilous.
However, it might be a good idea to measure its performance level at the beginning. Then you will be able to decide if you hire professionals for a website audit or if you audit your website by yourself.
During the audit of your webpages, your website key performance indicators will be reviewed thanks to different analysis methods.
There are free online tools that offer an overview of your website performances, but an accurate analysis requires access to paid services or the advanced version of these tools.
First, let’s discover the most effective free tools to audit your website by yourself.
Google Analytics
Obviously, this tool is a must-have. It’s a dashboard that shows key statistics to have a good idea of your website performances. You have access to:
your bounce rate (which should be between 40% and 60% for a showcase website)
the session length on your webpages (which should be over 1 minute)
the click-through rate (your conversion tools performance)
Google Search Console
This tool will help you steer your SEO strategy. Each data directly comes from Google, the most powerful worldwide search engine. In this way, you get reliable data on a large population sample.
This service offers a short overview of your website issues, as well as summary tips for improving responsive design, SEO, user-friendliness, website promotion…
Alyze.info is a tool that will help you to manage your keywords. You will have the possibility to classify them according to their density, with their synonyms.
Google mobile-friendly test
This Google service assesses the display performances of your website on mobile devices. The mobile display and responsiveness of a website are essential for a good SEO and visibility. That’s why this tool might give you a relevant overview of your responsive level.
Google Speed Insight
With this Google tool, you measure the page load speed, depending on different devices.
This service is a reference, mainly to check the SEO of your pages, including keyword research, linking strategy or page structure…
SEMRush Pro
SEMRush is probably the most famous tool used by the industry’s professionals. It provides you with features to analyse SEO, SEA, competitors' strategy, online reputation, content quality…
It’s a SEMRush and Moz competitor, with more flexible pricing according to your needs.
However, with the first free tools, you can audit your website globally and know how to improve your website in the future.
But to go further and enhance your website in detail, you will have to move on to the second option…
As we said in the introduction, if you have a fair bit of time to spend on it, you will be able to analyse and improve your website by yourself.
If you are already very busy with your job, or if you are a computer engineer novice, you can also hire professionals to audit your website.
This solution has two advantages: 👇
You enjoy a comprehensive analysis made by experts with an objective and different view.
You have concrete advice you can follow to improve your website.
To improve your website SEO, the 4 previous elements (technique, browsing, writing, and reputation) are assessed first.
Then, the team of experts writes and comments a report with your help.
Throughout this interview, if you did it properly, we give you all the techniques and SEO tools. These tools will enable you to follow up this website audit, check and improve your website by yourself in the future easily.
An action plan is developed to implement all the required changes, and reach your online goals.
As you have probably understood, SiteW can audit your website. Our team of experts offers you a detailed, comprehensive, accessible, and professional website audit within 5 working days.
The SiteW teams have a clear and relevant action plan to improve and develop your digital platform, as well as reap as many benefits as possible: better visibility, optimization, traffic, as well as a modern and professional website.
For a website audit, it’s easy!
Fill in our SEO audit form so that our teams audit your website by giving the necessary documents to its understanding.
If you audit a website by yourself, you can hardly do it for free: if you want a pretty thorough and interesting analysis, you will certainly have to use paid tools.
A professional website audit lasts from 3 to 7 days, and costs a few hundred euros, between €500 and €1,000 in average, but it could be longer and more expensive if you have a multipage website.
SiteW can audit your website from €300 excluding taxes.
But if you want to build a reference website, a durable business and complete professional career, an audit is necessary.
In conclusion:
Once your website has been reviewed from every angle and every single pixel has been improved, you will finally be ready to notice some real progress, and get the results you didn’t even dare to dream of!
Don’t hesitate any more and audit your website now!
Last update: March 26, 2025