Creation of a showcase website for your company or association

August 22, 2024 - Frédérique Biau

10 minutes

Nowadays, it’s easy, fast, and low-cost to create a showcase website to present your company or association with a good tool for web design.

An online presence has many advantages for a professional. Therefore, it would be a shame to do without visibility.

However, when you are a computer novice busy with your job, it may be difficult to launch into the web.

SiteW knows it, and that’s why we offer you this little guide to answer the essential questions about the creation of a showcase website:

  • What is a showcase website?

  • What is its role?

  • How to create a showcase website?

  • How to make it really effective?

Make a showcase website, what is it?

It’s a basic one page or multipage website, without complicated developments, that presents a company or association.

This showcase website enables you to use the web to:

  • increase your visibility

  • improve your reputation

  • better satisfy your audience

It is part of the communication and a strategy according to all the media of the company or association.

Create a showcase website

In the past, the creation of a showcase website was expensive, and any manager could hesitate to go for it.

Today there are many tools (such as SiteW) to create a website for free or at lower cost. Start now because you won’t waste time and lose money.

On the contrary, as a professional, you have good reasons to build your online presence.

Here are some reasons: 👇

The internet, the first reflex of consumers

The internet has deeply changed consumers’ behaviour. Before buying, searching information on the internet has become automatic for most people.

That is to say, a quality, complete and attractive digital presence for users enables you to get your store or event known in a few search seconds.

google search

Higher visibility thanks to the web

It’s the first and clearest incentive: a showcase website offers you the possibility to reach audiences you would never have met offline. The internet enables you to widely increase your catchment area.

Moreover, thanks to promotion on social networks or quality SEO, you can also reach an audience with a large request and to which you may correspond. In this way, even the internet users who didn’t envisage visiting your showcase website, will have the possibility to consult it.

And that’s great. But that’s not all.

A switchboard that works day and night for you

Your showcase website is at your disposal 24/7, 365 days a year. It isn’t on holiday and always gives free information to your customers and people interested in your business. It would be a shame to do without it.

Say goodbye to the store opening hours or cold calling to attract new customers during your working hours. Your showcase remains lighted day and night.

An international virtual showcase

Your website enables your structure to get into a process of internationalization (company, association…). If you sell online and translate your websites, you can start internationalizing in a few clicks.

Are you convinced now? Let’s see how to create a low-cost showcase website quickly and easily.

How to create a showcase website?

There is no secret: to build a showcase website without wasting time and losing money, first, you need to ask yourself the right questions:

  • What are your specific objectives?

  • How much do you want to invest?

  • How to maintain your showcase website after its publication?

Here are some details in response:

Creation of a showcase website: first, make things clear

Before starting the creation of a showcase website, you can write a design brief. It’s a written, sometimes short, document that lists all your expectations of your digital project.

Here are simple and essential questions to ask before creating your showcase website:

  • What are my web objectives (visibility, brand, customer satisfaction, sales…)?

A showcase website indeed may have several functions. It may be the showcase of your company, store, or event. It may be ephemeral, just created for a special occasion, or permanent and become a major digital platform for your business.

showcase website

  • How much, and what, do I want to invest in my digital project (How much money? How long? Who will handle the project?)?

Different financings and resources are possible to build your showcase website. A showcase website is easy to create and accessible. Therefore, a single person may create it with a low budget. It’s also possible to create a showcase website alone and for free.

  • Which type of audience does my website target?

Professionals, private individuals, volunteers, customers… Your target audience determines the design and user experience on your showcase website. Therefore, determine the main audience of your showcase website exactly and in advance.

  • What will the look of my showcase website be (design, colours)?

If you already run a company or association, ensure your showcase website be consistent with your visual elements, your communication mediums as well as the overall message of your project.

However, if you run a brand-new company or association, think about its graphic charter and apply it to your showcase website.

In plain language, the watchword is consistency.

  • What content and structure will my pages have?

A page to present the project is essential, but you can also add a page to present your team and the history of your company, a contact page and a page with photos.

Watch out
Info warning
A showcase website has a limited number of pages. However, the different pages enable you to build a complete and detailed website.
  • Book a domain name for my showcase website

After answering these questions, the first essential step is to book a domain name for your showcase website. Don’t wait anymore! A domain name boosts your SEO. A domain name need to be explicit, without mistake, special characters, space or with dashes.

It’s easy to book your domain name, as you just need to use SiteW.

Book a domain name

A showcase website with SiteW

To make a showcase website, an intuitive and easy online solution such as a website builder like SiteW is a perfect option.

Why are we convinced? Here are 5 good reasons:

  • It’s easy and fast

You choose a template, and you start creating your digital showcase in a few seconds. Then you drag and drop all your website elements (images, texts, videos, buttons, icons…) with your mouse easily.

sitew templates

  • It isn’t expensive

You can create a free showcase website or add a blog for €6,60 per month. You will have all the advanced features for €15 with a monthly subscription.

sitew packages

  • It’s totally customizable

With a website builder such as SiteW, your website will be unique. You select each graphic detail and create your pages, element by element.

image block

  • You are totally autonomous

You will be the only manager of your website. Therefore, when you need to edit your website, you will just need internet connection to do it, wherever you are.

  • You are accompanied

Our technical support answers all your questions individually, in English, with empathy and professionalism.

There are no problems, only solutions with SiteW!

To sum up, it’s easy to create a showcase website with SiteW. However, how to create a custom showcase website? Don’t worry: here are all our tips.

Create a showcase website, start now

Design of a showcase website: all our tips

Which contents should you use to create a showcase website?

Regarding the presentation of your business or association, you probably have some information you want to add to the pages of your digital showcase:

  • useful information about your structure (contact information, localization, opening hours…)

  • history

  • information about the team, activities, products, know-how…

To that end, you can add SiteW blocks, such as the Map block.

map block

The Map block enables you to localize your company in a few minutes, and make your website more dynamic. It’s also possible to add your phone number or opening hours.

Your opening hours are available thanks to the Hours block.

hours block

To enable users to contact you, you have the possibility to add the Form block to give them a secure framework to send a message to you.

form block

To go further, get your money’s worth without wasting your time, pay attention to the following aspects.

Create a beautiful showcase website: your website design

The design of your showcase website is essential:

  • It’ll take your visitors on your pages. Google appreciates and valorizes a website where visitors stay a long time, and you’ll be more visible in search engines.

  • All the elements that make access to information easier for your visitors and call them to action (subscription, download, purchase, booking, etc.) form the design of your website.

  • Finally, your website makes part of your communication strategy. The design of your website must be consistent with your strategy and highlight your brand image.

Our web design tool gives you access to all the necessary graphic features for a custom showcase website: colour selection, fonts, customization of block and page background, button style, inputs, menus, links, etc.

Create an effective showcase website: make your invest profitable

Here are our tips to stack all the odds in your favour to reach very good SEO results quickly.

Optimize your showcase website to make it effective

To optimize your visibility effectively, you need a good SEO strategy. First, you need to study SEO right from the start of the creation of your showcase website.

You need to:

  • Add the keywords related to your business sector, specializations, and geographical area. Add your keywords to your pages and metadata strategically.

  • Pay attention to the redaction of your pages. Write long and complete texts and update your information regularly.

  • Implement a linking strategy with an effective website structure and backlinks (links to your pages) on quality websites.

  • Present a responsive, secure and high-performance showcase website (especially, in terms of loading speed). On our platform, we deal with all the technical updates so that your website becomes competitive on each of these aspects.

  • Update and add new information to your website regularly. Google ranks higher the websites which are regularly updated. To be visible on the internet, add new information to your pages and update obsolete data.

For example, a blog may be a good way to add content easily. To that end, use the Blog block with its intuitive interface for redaction and publication.

In all cases, consult your statistics regularly to adapt your SEO strategy.

blog block

  • Add content to your showcase website to add the relevant keywords and improve your SEO. For example, you can add the FAQ block to answer the frequently asked questions and add keywords.

faq block

To add content and interact with users to improve SEO. You can also add a forum to your showcase website in a few minutes.

forum block

Create a showcase website

Build and promote a showcase website  

To promote your website, you need to be dynamic on the internet and get yourself talked about you. Participate in events or debates on topics related to your professional sector.

You can offer training courses, take part in forums as expert and blog articles, within conferences or webinars, accept interviews for webzines, etc.

It’s also possible to open an account on the different social networks.

Our web design software enables you to connect your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram… account directly to your website.

To that end, use the Social block to add buttons for your Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, or LinkedIn account.

social block

It’s easy to customize these buttons and configure them by adding the links to your accounts.

Easy and effective.

You have just seen the entire process of creating a showcase website. It’s easy to build your online presence. You just need method and motivation.

We can’t wait to visit your beautiful showcase websites!

Frédérique Biau
Editor and translator
I am passionate about science fiction, new technologies, writing and art in general. I started my career as a Cultural Manager. It is with pleasure and enthusiasm that I am a writer and web translator with 9 years of experience. ✍️

Last update: August 22, 2024

Create a website easily

  • Immediate launch
  • Intuitive creation
  • Quick-to-react customer service