Highlight your branding thanks to your website

August 06, 2024 - Frédérique Biau

4 minutes

Entrepreneurs, creating a website is an excellent way to improve your image towards your users or customers. This guide will give you the basis to build your brand image and will explain you how to use the Internet, and especially website design, to develop and convey your brand image.

What is branding?

The brand image is comprised of the feelings and opinions of customers towards your brand and products/services. Therefore, it is related to your product and service quality, but also to the “spirit” of your company, to the values and qualities that can be associated with your brand.

Create your brand image

Of course, you won’t be able to control your brand image in its entirety, but you can nevertheless influence it, and determine its major trends, by setting up a branding strategy.  

Preliminary stages of your branding design

Here are the questions you should ask yourself before creating your brand image:

  • What is the positioning of your brand?
    First, you should identify what problem your offering solves, and what sets you apart from competitors
  • What are my objectives?
    You can have different types of objectives, whether it be in terms of revenue, quantity of new contacts, number of subscriptions to the newsletter...
  • Who are my target audience?
    You will have to get to know them, through their characteristics and behaviors, but also through their needs.

How to build your brand image?

How to create a link to a website 

Once you have defined the image you want to associate with your brand, you will then need to decide how you want to convey that image.
You can use all communication media, whether they are digital or printed. The most important thing is to remain consistent: visually (logo, colors, graphics…) and tone-wise (dynamism, seriousness, humor…)

Work on your digital branding

Digital branding consists in everything related to the reputation of a company on the internet. Today, it is necessary, for any business owner, to use the internet in order to develop and promote his/her brand image.

How to use your website to develop your branding?

The Internet is a very useful medium to build and convey your brand image. Website design forms the basis of digital branding. The use of social media, forums, customer reviews platforms, etc. is a good way to deliver and relay your branding message.

Make branding and website design work together

You have to create your website according to the brand image that you have previously determined. On SiteW, many tools will help you develop your digital branding, through your website design.

Digital branding and graphics of your website

The visual aspect of your website should not be neglected in any case, especially as part of a branding strategy. The general appearance of your website will be the first thing noticed by your visitors. The first impression is often decisive, so you have to take great care of it.
Features such as "Rulers and Guides” or the “Automatic block alignment” will greatly help you give your website a clear and neat look.
As far as the visual content is concerned, SiteW puts at your disposal a lot of web design tools: you can add images, image galleries, videos… that can be customized the way you want. You can also customize the background of your website, the content areas, the page transition effects, the fonts… You can add buttons, icons and graphical elements as well.

Work on your website content, according to your branding

Information on your company

Your website should always display your brand name, your logo and your baseline (or brand signature, which is a kind of slogan associated with your brand).
Then you can decide to present your team, or to talk about your business, in order to develop a connection with your customers.
It is equally possible to explain your working methods, in order to highlight the quality of your products or the seriousness of your services.

Your website structure

Remember to work on your website structure, by using the Menu block, with sections and subsections, in order to create a clear and user-friendly navigation.

Your website features

Your website features should be chosen, according to the needs of your target audience, and to the values you want to highlight.
You can add a blog to enhance your expertise, a newsletter or a forum to create a community around your brand, a comment thread to show that you actively listen to your customers, an online shop if you want to focus on product sales, custom forms (contact, poll, online quote request) to encourage exchanges with your customers...

Spread your brand image on the web

Use the means at your disposal to promote your digital brand image: whether it be through Google ranking with our SEO tools (custom URLs, direct access to Google tools, easy registration of domains, search engine descriptions…), or through Social Media, thanks to the Social block.
To convey your digital branding outside of your website, carefully select your means of diffusion, according to, once again, your objectives and your target audience. For example, if you own a restaurant, you will prefer to communicate through customers’ reviews platforms, whereas if you manage a law firm, you will prefer to use guest blogging or blank books.

To conclude, you now know how to use the SiteW tools, to create and improve your digital branding, through your website design.

Frédérique Biau
Editor and translator
I am passionate about science fiction, new technologies, writing and art in general. I started my career as a Cultural Manager. It is with pleasure and enthusiasm that I am a writer and web translator with 9 years of experience. ✍️

Last update: August 06, 2024

Create a website easily

  • Immediate launch
  • Intuitive creation
  • Quick-to-react customer service